Sell your moments in seconds.

Upload your images in record time and let our Algorithm automatically crop, watermark and tag them, so they’re ready to be sold in your own shop.   

Made for photographers

Never send a Dropbox link again! We carefully analysed the workflow of a variety of different photographers and built our platform, so you can start selling your images as smooth and convenient as possible.

Why Choose Us

High speed server

Located in Zurich🇨🇭

Get a shop

Right out of the box

1 minute

Setup and you're ready


Don't even worry, just sell and earn.

Highlights our users love

And hopefully you will too!

A shop out of the box
No shitty billing, never!

No setup needed. Just set your price via licences and your shop works. Your customers can pay right away with TWINT, MasterCard, Visa, Apple / Google Pay and so on.
And, of course, your images will automatically get watermarked so no one can use without buying them.

Design: Beautiful, clean and responsive

Focus on taking pictures instead of spending hours in deciding which font to choose and how to display all your images and galleries.

We got you covered with our conversion optimized design for your own portfolio website and also with an extremely intuitive backend where you can handle all your galleries, images and licences.

Metafields and Advanced tagging

Every meta tag of your images will be automatically extracted so you and your customers can search for them.

And our groundbreaking algorithm will recognize race numbers of athletes and other text on your images.

Genius licence management

Create licences for personal use, like social media or commercial use, like in a newspaper, and set a specific price and download size for them. Users can choose their preferred licence and buy it right away.

It's incredibly simple

Start selling in three quick steps.


Create an account.


Create a licence.


Create a gallery
and share the link to your shop!

That's it. You're ready to earn with
your awesome images.


Let’s choose your perfect plan.

All plans are FREE

We’ve built the core functionality of photodb and now we want to know if you like it. So we’ve decided to let you use photodb for free!

The only thing we ask for, is your honest feedback. 


  • 100 images
  • 100MB Storage
  • 5 Gallerys
  • Watermarking
  • All payment methods
  • Licence Management
  • 20% + CHF 0.50 Fee


  • 10'000 images
  • 10GB Storage
  • 20 Gallerys
  • Watermarking
  • All payment methods
  • Licence management
  • Meta fields recognition
  • 10% + 0.50 Fee


  • 100'000 images
  • 100GB Storage
  • 100 Gallerys
  • Meta fields recognition
  • Watermarking
  • All payment methods
  • Licence management
  • Meta fields recognition
  • AI for BIB detection*
  • 10% + 0.30 Fee


Try photodb for free
  • 100 images
  • 100MB Storage
  • 5 Gallerys
  • Watermarking
  • All payment methods
  • Licence Management
  • 20% + CHF 0.50 Fee


CHF 19
when paid annually
  • 10'000 images
  • 10GB Storage
  • 20 Gallerys
  • Watermarking
  • All payment methods
  • Licence management
  • Meta fields recognition
  • 10% + 0.50 Fee


CHF 32
when paid annually
  • 100'000 images
  • 100GB Storage
  • 100 Gallerys
  • Meta fields recognition
  • Watermarking
  • All payment methods
  • Licence management
  • Meta fields recognition
  • AI for BIB detection*
  • 6% + 0.30 Fee

Not convinced?

Then let our platform convince you. Create a free account and start using photodb for up to 100 images.

Client Testimonials

“Photodb started because I didn't have any alternative that was professional enough, to distribute my images. So, I started to build my own solution, and I still use and love it."
Manuel Lusti
Co-Founder and Sportsphotographer
“It's so simple to use and the ability to manage licences right away is such a timekeeper.”
Loris Kaufmann
“I searched and tested so many platforms and tools, but photodb really suited my needs and was a perfect integration in to my existing workflow. Well done guys!!”
Rolf Zubühler

About us

We’re a startup in Switzerland with the vision to make the distribution of images as easy and beautiful as possible.

Manuel Lusti, our design genius.

Philipp Brügger, he does the coding
and water drinking.

Got a question?

We’re happy to help!
